Rosalia, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Rosalia City, Kansas are important to know about the local economy. A low poverty rate indicates a better quality of life for the residents. The current poverty rate for Rosalia City is 11.8%, but other nearby cities have significantly lower rates. Sprague and Priest River both have 11.8% of their population living below the poverty line. Washington's poverty rate stands at 8.85%.

Rosalia is home to five hundred and sixty-five people. The median household income is $51,146. This figure is up over the previous decade. The median home price is $150,200. Home appreciation in Rosalia City is 12.9% over the last decade. However, there are several other factors to consider, including the number of children per household. The median home price in Rosalia is $216 per square foot.

The population of Rosalia City is compiled by age and sex. A population pyramid shows the distribution of adults, children, and seniors. The pyramid also reveals the proportion of males and females living in the town. The population is predominantly single, with very few families living together. However, this does not mean that Rosalia is a dangerous place for residents. The crime rate in Rosalia City depends on the location of residential units, where they are located.

Santa Rosaalia is located on a dry riverbed north of Mulege. The city was originally built in an European architectural style, but the community remains Mexican through. The town's pastel clapboard houses are surrounded by picket fences. Known as a "ciudad de madera," this city is home to many people with college degrees. And, it is home to a church designed by Gustave Eiffel.