Salkum, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and sates of Salkum City? The Salkum City population is 50, with a majority of households consisting of two people. Family establishments make up 42% of Salkum's households, while non-family units make up the remaining 58%. Children make up only 12% of Salkum households, leaving 88% of the population without children. Salkum has 113 housing units, 72% of which are older than 25 years old. The median house value with a mortgage in Salkum is $336,800, with median housing costs coming to $1,367 per month.

The median age of residents in Salkum is 50 years old, and 83% have completed high school. Another 44% have some college education, and 7% have a bachelor's degree or higher. In contrast, 0% have gone on to graduate school or pursue a PhD. While these statistics aren't indicative of the quality of life in Salkum, they do point to the area's low unemployment rates.

The internet is fast, reliable and secure in Salkum WA, and you'll be able to take advantage of it even if you're in a rural setting. ViaSat Internet delivers high-speed internet via satellite, so you can stay connected with friends and family from any location. In addition to a satellite dish and a high-speed internet connection, Viasat offers Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) and Wi-Fi on your mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.