Seahurst, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Seahorse City, New York? We have the answers! Keep reading to learn more about this wonderful city. Below, we'll take a look at the stats for this unique neighborhood in Queens. It's estimated that there are about 2105 people living in Seahurst. Of these, 56% are male and 44% are female. The median age is 38. About 67% of Seahurst's population is family-based. Approximately 27% of Seahurst families are single-female households, and 15% are single-male families. The average household size is 2.71 people, and the average family size is 3.09 people.

You can also use the list of nearby cities and towns to find flights to Seahurst. There are numerous cities within a 14-mile radius of the town. These cities are located either in large or small cities. You can search for flights to the closest airports if you're looking for flights. These cities are located within three to four hours of Seahurst. If you'd like to see more of Washington, you can do a search for other cities nearby.

In addition to its beachfront, Seahurst City is home to two parks. The Seahurst Beach Park is the crown jewel of Puget Sound's urban beaches, with almost two miles of saltwater beaches, recreational facilities, and an Environmental Science Center for studying marine life. You'll also find a wide array of native animals in the park, including a variety of birds, plants, and mammals. The park features a rich riparian and wetland creek basin area.