Sequim, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering a move to Sequim City, it's helpful to know the population and stouts in Sequim City. The city is a popular residential area, but its population density is slightly higher than the state and national averages. You can find out more about Sequim demographics on the About Page. In this article, we will cover some of the most relevant statistics regarding the city's population and steets.

The racial makeup of Sequim is overwhelmingly white, with a mere 0.2% of residents being African-American or Hispanic. There are approximately 3.85 homeowners per one renter in the city. The median household income in Sequim is $83,700, with the highest concentration in professional and technical services (33.6%). In terms of employment, Sequim has a low unemployment rate and high percentage of college graduates.

The city was incorporated on October 31, 1913. Prior to this date, it was home to numerous small farms, mainly dairy farms. After World War I, the town was home to a railroad station, which brought wood products from the western part of the Olympic Peninsula. In recent years, the city has become a thriving technology center, with several tech companies headquartered here. It also has an abundance of biotechnology companies, with 116 patent applications pending in 2008-2022.

In the early 2000s, the town was a sanctuary for anti-government groups and QAnon conspiracies. The city's mayor, William Armacost, was a staunch supporter of QAnon. During Armacost's mayorship, three members of the city council were appointed. The city council voted to condemn the controversial mandate and condemned it by a non-binding resolution.