Toutle, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about Toutle City? Check out our population and steets statistics. Our population and steets data is updated yearly from the U.S. Census Bureau. Please note that these figures are not guaranteed to be complete or accurate. You should verify all data before you rely on it. We hope this article was helpful. And don't forget to share it with others.

The survey of Tooele City didn't include all demographic data, so the population figures may not reflect the actual community. The respondents were a cross section of the population, which was not entirely representative. Females, people with 4-year college degrees, and people with children in the household were over-represented. The age group ages 18-29 were underrepresented. Further analysis will be done later in 2021, as more data becomes available.

Tooele is located in Tooele County, Utah. Its population was 31,605 at the 2010 census. The city is estimated to have a population of 37,046 by 2020. The city was established 171 years ago in 1850. Residents use this name because it predates the introduction of the Russian thistle in the United States. The Tooele ZIP code is assigned by the USPS.