Vantage, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information about Population & Steets in Vanage City? Do you need to know the median home value or median income in Vantage City? You can find the information you need for free by completing the quick reference guide. It will be easier for you to decide if this is a great place to move to if you have an idea of where to start. The population of this city is about 21 people. The average commute time is 21.3 minutes. The median house value is $421,500.

This city is surrounded by metropolitan areas, such as St. Louis. Its proposed community is within one of these metropolitan areas. Lambert-St. Louis Airport serves the entire area. It is the closest international airport to the proposed city, and it serves as the only airport in the vicinity. Its information shows that 30 percent or more of the proposed community uses the airport, which indicates cross-county interaction in support of its charter.

The inter-county commuting of students is evidence of interaction. Because students have to commute from one county to another several times a week, they spend a considerable amount of time with their classmates. In addition, the proposed community has 13 college campuses. NCUA staff also obtained information about the percentage of students enrolled in each school. For two of those colleges, Vantage provided the enrollment breakdown by county. It also obtained data on a third school. The per segment data showed very low cross-county enrollment for three schools.