Warden, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How does one know if the Population & Steets of Warden City are accurate? Well, it all depends. You might know that the Warden has a lot of eviction cases, but that's not necessarily the whole story. Some eviction cases may be due to code violations, while others may simply be due to failure to pay rent. In any case, if the Population & Steets are incorrect, you might be in for a rude surprise.

The median property value in Warden was $108,000 as of 2019, which is 0.449 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate was 60.8%, and there were only 2 cars per household. A lot of people also chose to stay in Warden because it's convenient. There are plenty of things to do in Warden, from hiking in the mountains to fishing in the lake. The city is a perfect place to live if you have a family.

The median household income in Warden, WA was $41,406 in 2018. The percentage of people who own a car in Warden, WA is lower than in neighboring and parent geographies. The majority of Warden, WA workers commute by driving alone or carpool. About 2.32% of residents work from home. The transportation chart below shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time. The logarithmic scale is helpful for highlighting the variations in smaller means of commuting.