Wellpinit, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about Wellpinit city, you've come to the right place. Below, we've provided the population & steets for the city of Wellpinit, Washington. You can also explore the other types of service available in this city. Here are some options:

If you're planning a trip to the city, you'll find that there are 96 cities within a hundred miles. While these larger cities aren't necessarily better than Wellpinit, they may be useful if you're traveling from one city to the next. For instance, if you want to visit the Seattle area or other larger cities in Washington, you'll find these cities are relatively close.

The city is part of the Spokane metro area, and it's located in Stevens County. The official USPS name for this zip code is WELLPINIT, Washington. The city is incorporated within the boundaries of the city, and the area code is 509. The area's unemployment rate is 8.0%, and the population is classified as Lower Middle Class. There are four elementary schools and a high school in the city.