White Salmon, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may have been wondering: What's the Population & Steets of White Salmon City? First of all, let's look at how many people live in the city. There are about 2.55k people living in White Salmon, WA. The median age of this city is 44.7, and the median household income is $55,652. There are also about 0% non-Hispanic people in this city.

When looking at the White Salmon area, you'll find that there are many nearby towns. The population density of these towns is greater than the state and national averages. For example, White Salmon is higher in population density than Mosier, a town three-fourths the size of the city. Compared to this, Hood River has the highest population density of any of the towns within the region.

One of the key places to find out information about the population is the city's city hall. Located at 100 N. Main, the city hall is open to residents. It's the primary point of contact for city services. It's staffed by the Mayor, David Poucher. There's also a school and library in the city. The city hall is typically open, so if you're looking for a school, be sure to visit.

As for the city's ethnic composition, White Salmon has a high proportion of people who are Northern European. Among its other residents, it ranks #1 in the state for Central American residents. The median age of White Salmon, WA residents is 44.7 years old. Those born in other countries are older than the natives. Most foreign-born people are from Mexico, China, and India. However, the percentage of residents who are Latino is in the middle.