Dille, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Dille City, West Virginia, you will want to learn more about the demographics of the city. Dille is a community with 158 households and a median home value of $45,000. The average household size is two.47, and 51.3% of residents are white, while the remainder are African-American, Asian, and Hispanic. The median household income in Dille is $21,667, while the average household income is $31,915. There are over 60 high school graduates in this town.

While a majority of the population in Dille City holds a bachelor's degree, only a small number of residents have a master's degree. Another small percentage has a doctorate degree. Dille's population can be broken down by occupation. Overall, 23% of the population is employed in the service industry, while 54% work in blue-collar roles.

The median age was 38.4 years, while 11.5% of the population was under 18. There were also 16.5% of people aged 65 or older. Overall, the population was fairly evenly split. The majority of residents were male, but the percentage of those in the 50 to 64 range was higher. There were only a few older people, and a large number of people under the age of 18 lived below the poverty line.