Dry Creek, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics will give you a quick look at the population and steets in Dry Creek City, Alaska. As of 2010, the population was 4,344 people. The median household income in Dry Creek was $27,292 and the per capita income was $14,186. Of note, only 10.8% of the population lived below the poverty line. For more detailed statistics, you can check out the Alaska Census Bureau's crime and cost of living analysis, and updated coronavirus data.

If you're planning on moving to Dry Creek City, you'll need to know what the population of the area is like. Fortunately, there's an easy way to find out what you can expect. You can search for cities within 67 miles of Dry Creek. By comparing these cities, you'll be able to find the place that suits your needs best. There's no need to worry about moving - Dwellics provides information about over 50,000 cities in the United States.

While some neighborhoods in Dry Creek City are walkable, others have long commutes. Most residents in the Dry Creek Mobile Estates neighborhood spend at least 15 minutes traveling one way to work. This is relatively low when compared to the 45 minutes most Americans spend commuting to work. It's important to note that the quality of life in a neighborhood is subjective and can vary by demographics. Some buyers prefer a walkable city, while others want the peace and quiet of the suburbs.