Elk Garden, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to relocate to a new town, you may be wondering about the Population & Steets in Elggard City. Here is a quick overview of the city's population and demographics. The median age in Elk Garden is 42.3, and the median household income is $34,375. The median household income in Elk Garden City is the same as that of the neighboring city of West Virginia, and there are no significant racial or ethnic groups living in the area.

The ZIP code for Elk Garden, West Virginia is 26717. This city is located in Mineral County and has a population of 212. The elevation is 2,260 feet above sea level. The population decreased 8.62% from the 2010 Census and by 2.3% from the 2000 Census. The ZIP+4 code for Elk Garden is listed below. For more information about Elk Garden, WV, you can visit the town's official website.

In Elk Garden City, the population is comprised of both white and non-white residents. There are also black and Hispanic residents, but the majority of people are white. The City's population is based on the census data, which is based on zoning and race. The original R-M zoning proposal affected minority residents more than the R-T zoning did.