Galipolis Fry, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the population and steets of Galipolis Fry City, you'll find that the area is very diverse. For example, English is the primary language spoken here, but there are also many different languages spoken by residents. Italian and African languages are also very prevalent in this area. And since the area is so small, the area's people are very friendly and helpful.

The town of Gallipolis, Ohio, has a total area of 3.83 square miles (9.92 km2) and is located in the hills of Southeastern Ohio. The city is home to several parks and green spaces, including the UNESCO World Heritage site Cassius M. Canaday Memorial Park, located in the village's east end. The Cliffside Golf Club is also located here, and the town's waterworks facility features ballfields and green space.

The highest paying jobs in Gallipolis Fry City include Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Occupations, and Management, Business, Science, and Arts Occupations. These three occupations account for more than 60% of the population. You can find many jobs in Gallipolis Ferry by searching online for "Gallipolis" or "Galipolis, WV".