Hedgesville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to Hedgesville, West Virginia, you might want to consider the following statistics on the population and steets of the city. Hedgesville, WV is home to approximately 136 people. It's located in McDowell County and is part of the larger Jefferson County metropolitan statistical area. Its median household income is $50,366. The median age in Hedgesville is 25.6 years old, and the population is primarily white.

The city is about half the size of West Virginia, and has a population of 212 non-Hispanic Whites. In addition, there are 11 people of African descent. The city is also home to 0.9% foreign-born residents. Hedgesville, WV has a population of 4.78% Hispanics. While there are a lot of people who are foreign-born in the state, they do not have a high enough income to live there.

Hedgesville is home to a natural limestone spring. The water is constant in temperature and is believed to bring good luck. In the early days, the spring was used to meet Native Americans and eventually encouraged European settlers to build a trading village nearby. However, the natural spring and its water source also made Hedgesville a hotspot for tourism. In addition to the spring, Hedgesville also has many natural resources, including a large reservoir of water.

A high percentage of Hedgesville's residents are married. Despite the fact that there are no single-parent households, the proportion of married couples in the city is relatively high. In comparison to the Big Pool CDP, Hedgesville is 48.0% larger than Big Pool. Further, the head of households in Hedgesville are women. Hedgesville is home to the largest proportion of households with a married woman.