Kiahsville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering purchasing billboard advertising in the Kiahsville City, West Virginia, it is important to take into account the economic, demographic, and geographic characteristics of the community. The population in this city has a median housing value of $58,750 and an average household size of 2.51. Its demographic makeup includes a mixture of single family homes, town houses, apartments, and apartment complexes.

To begin, let's take a look at the crime rate in Kiahsville. The area is considered safe by many, but it does not have a particularly high rate of violent crime per thousand residents. The number of crimes in Kiahsville depends on the location. Generally, the city has a D grade and falls within the 10th percentile when it comes to safety. For instance, south Kiahsville is the safest part of town for a violent crime rate.

The population of Kiahsville is made up of 314 residents, including 96 children. The median age of the male population is 34 and the median age of the female population is 38.2 There are 496 births and 442 deaths each year in this city. The race makeup of the population of Kiahsville is 309 people, including 5 Native Americans. Aside from the racial makeup, education level is an important factor when choosing where to live.

Using the street lengths of the city as a guide, we have created rose diagrams of the streets. The lengths of these streets differ considerably, with the shorter ones being local while the longest ones are arterials and collectors. Moreover, the entropy of street lengths is largely dependent on the external landscape. Considering these factors, the city's shape can be predicted using the information from the street-length data.