Lavalette, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics provide a snapshot of the population of Lavalette City. The most recent year for which data is available is 2009. For comparison, the same period in the previous year showed a 0.4% growth in the population. The percentage of people living in poverty was 0.71% for full-time employees, 8.47% for part-time employees, and 3.33% for non-workers. The age groups most likely to be in poverty were those over 65 and those between 55-64. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, included non-citizens, legal permanent residents, international students, and temporary workers.

Lavallette is a borough in Ocean County, New Jersey. As of 2010, the city had a population of 1,875; however, it decreased by -1.01% since the 2010 census. The city has a poverty rate of 3.09% and has a median income of $117,803. The median rent in Lavallette is - per month and the average house value is $760,900. The median age of residents is 64.2 years old, with 63.1 percent of men and 63.7 percent of women living in Lavallette.

The median gross monthly rent in Lavallette is $1,192. The median income in Lavallette is $78,143. The average number of people with broadband Internet connections is 89.5%. A median income of $78,143 is the norm for most households in Lavallette. It is also important to note that the majority of residents have a high school degree, and 17.8% are employed in the government.