Lerona, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Larona City, Missouri. The following article will give you an overview of the population in the city. The population of the city is composed of different demographic groups. To help you choose the right demographic group, we've listed some facts and figures for the city. Once you know the numbers, you'll be better equipped to make your choice.

The proposed map would essentially shift the entire northern half of District 3 into District 2 and the eastern half of District 3. This would result in a population of about 4,000. However, the proposed map would move the far northern portion of District 3 into District 2 and everything east of County Hwy. M and North Cross Country Road would be placed in District 3. This would result in a shift of approximately 400 people from District 2 to 3, and about 300 from the current District 1 to the new District 3.

Verona City's population is growing! The city's population increased by more than 12% between the 2010 and 2020 censuses. Its biggest district is now 4,161 residents, and its smallest district is 2,850 people. This means the population will be even more dense by 2020. If you're considering moving to Verona, you should definitely use our online tool for neighborhood analysis.