Middlebourne, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Middlebourne's streetscape is a well preserved example of the city's prosperous past. The town's streetscape developed from local enterprise, which has helped it maintain much of its original appearance. The town's streetscape has undergone several transformations over time, but many aspects of its past remain. To learn more about Middlebourne's past, visit its historical society website. Also, check out Middlebourne's population and steets maps.

In 1906, Tyler County passed a levy for a new county high school. In 1908, construction on a large red brick Neo-Classical Revival building began, and classes started in early 1908. The community was the first in the region to offer secondary education, and the school helped foster social and cultural cooperation. The school served as a model for other rural areas in West Virginia.

The population of Middlebourne, Ohio is only 410. However, the population of the neighboring cities is significantly higher. These cities are located within 55 miles of Middlebourne City. Visiting these cities is convenient when booking flights between airports. It's also a great place to go on a road trip! But make sure to check out the area around Middlebourne first, before making a travel plan.

The city of Middlebourne is in the Eastern time zone, so you can access Internet service through a cable company or satellite internet provider. You can find internet service in Middlebourne with speeds up to 108 Mbps. With an average of 27 Mbps, Middlebourne has excellent Wi-Fi. When it comes to internet speed, Middlebourne residents will have no problem with their speeds. However, if you're on the lookout for a faster internet connection, you should consider using the Internet in Middlebourne.