Mount Gay, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets in Mount Gay City, WV? The following statistics provide a snapshot of this community's ethnic composition and general income levels. For reference, Mount Gay-Shamrock is 100% U.S.-born, and its population is made up of both Whites and African-Americans. The area's largest university is Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, the communities of Saugatuck and Douglas are home to about 1,413 people year-round. During the summer, this population grows to over three times its year-round population. Approximately 68 percent of Mount Gay-Shamrock's residents are homeowners. There are approximately 2 cars per household, and the median household income is $27,181.

The LGBTQ population in Salt Lake City is 4.7% of the total population. Housing and rent prices are higher than the national average. However, this city has a vibrant arts and music scene, and its cost of living is slightly less than the national average. While Portland has the second highest concentration of LGBTQ residents, the city is still cheaper than most of its neighboring cities. Housing and rent are slightly higher, but the city's gay population is much lower than the national average.