Nitro, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Nitro City? The population of Nitro, West Virginia is about 2.38k people, with the largest industries being Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodation & Food Services. The highest-paying industries in Nitro are Construction, Transportation & Warehousing, and Utilities. The median household income in Nitro, WV is $41,076, which is less than the U.S. average of $65,712.

In 2019, the median property value in Nitro was $97,900, which is 0.407 times smaller than the national average. In addition, a larger percentage of residents in Nitro, WV were college-educated, with 16.7% of adults in this city reporting graduate degrees. This chart shows the percentage of households in Nitro, WV using different modes of transportation over time. The graph uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show how small variations in smaller methods of commuting can result in large differences in numbers. The average number of cars per household is 2.43, with false being the largest bucket.

Non-Hispanic Black residents' nitrate concentrations were positively associated with higher incomes. However, non-Hispanic Black residents were associated with lower nitrate concentrations than Whites. In contrast, the percentage of people who are homeowners was inversely related to higher nitrate concentrations, with one unit increase corresponding to a 1.4-unit decline. In both analyses, poverty was associated with a decrease in nitrate concentrations.