Oakvale, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick glance at the Census data for Oakvale reveals that 45.8% of its population is employed. Compared to the national average, commute times in Oakvale are short. A majority of Oakvale's residents drive to work alone, and most of these drivers are private vehicles. There are some things you should know about the Oakvale population before you move there. Below are the most important statistics.

Listed below is a list of the cities surrounding Oakvale, MS. Listed below are the top three cities within a hundred miles of Oakvale City. These cities are great options for road trips or exploring the area. When planning a road trip to Oakvale, MS, it's a good idea to search for nearby cities to see what's there. You can even use this information to search for other nearby cities.

In 2008, the population of Oakvale City was 121 people, consisting of 49 households and 31 families. The racial makeup of the area was 100.0% white. The median age of residents was 41.9 years. There were 10.2% of households that were one-person households, and 22.1% of households were two-person households. Lastly, 16.5% of the population lived alone.