Peach Creek, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Peach Creek, Georgia is situated in the state of Georgia. The city has a population of 120,511 people. There are 41,682 households and 20-487 families living in the city. The most common types of households are single-person households with children. These households typically contain one or more adults, and there is a good mix of family members. However, if you're looking for a home in the city, consider the price of your property.

The city is located in Fayette County, Georgia. It is in the southwest corner of the Atlanta metropolitan area, bordered by Coweta County and the Town of Tyrone. Peachtree City is located within the Line Creek watershed, and the river forms the western boundary of the city. Line Creek is a south-flowing tributary of the Flint River. The city's high point, Shakerag Hill, is located at an elevation of 980 feet. It is located at the intersection of GA Hwy 54 and Robinson Road.