Pentress, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets of Pentress City, WV. This city has a very low poverty rate of 0.00%, compared to the national average of 14.1%. However, there are still people living below the poverty line in Pentress. The following graph shows the poverty rates of the different racial groups in Pentress, WV. For each racial group, the percentage of poverty varies.

Pentress is ranked as a safe city compared to other similar cities. Pentress has a lower crime rate than the national and West Virginia state averages. However, the crime rate of the city is lower in the northwest than it is in the east. Crime rates in Pentress City are also lower than those of cities with similar populations. However, crime rates may be higher in these areas. The southwest and northwest neighborhoods have lower rates of vandalism.

Pentress has a relatively young population compared to other cities in the country. Its median age is only 23.1 years, 14.8 years younger than the national average. Additionally, the city is less diverse than the national average, with 15% of the population over 65 years old. This is a good thing, as it means the city has a better quality of life for its residents. For people who are looking to move to Pentress, this city is a great choice. You will be happy you did! The city is located in Morgan County, WV, close to a major airport, a larger town, and a small city.

The Census Bureau's latest report shows that Pentress, WV has 156 people. Of this population, 100% are U.S. citizens. The median household income of Pentress, WV is N/A. Its median racial makeup includes White (non-Hispanic), Black or African American (Hispanic), and American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic). The city is 99% white, which is below the national average of 64.3%.