Peytona, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets of Peytona City? Read on to find out. There are several statistics that you should know about Peytona, West Virginia. This data can help you decide whether or not Peytona is right for you. The city's crime rate is comparable to other cities in the area, and it is safer than the average for the entire state and country.

Peytona, WV has a population of approximately 958 people. Of these, there are 483 males and 475 females. Males are older than females, with the median age being 40.5. There are approximately 371 births and 307 deaths per year. There are also various races of residents in the area. The population of Peytona is comprised of both white and black people.

The population of Peytona City is fairly spread out. Twenty percent of the city was under the age of 18, while seven percent were 18-24. Twenty-four percent of the population was 45-64 years old, and 17.5% was 65 or older. The median age was 44 years old, and there were 81.5 males for every 100 females. It is important to note that these statistics are only estimates, and may not reflect the population of the entire city.