Saulsville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Saillsville City include 380.1% whites, 6.2% blacks, and 0.0% Hispanics. There are 6.42 homeowner(s) for every one renter. The median household income is $27,500, and the average household income is $38,685. The highest educated population in Saulsville City is 84%, with 60% of residents failing to graduate high school.

The zipcode is a 5 digit number assigned to the city of Saulsville, Wyoming, West Virginia. Saulsville's default city name is "Saulsville", and people in Saulsville use it to send mail. You can use the zipcode to copy a US address. This information is useful for many purposes, but it is not required for mailing. Please use your best judgment when copying your mail to ensure the most accurate delivery.