Shady Spring, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Shady Spring City, WV? This city's population is 2.99k people, with 77 Black or African American residents. The population of Shady Spring, WV is 0% Hispanic. Find out where you can find a Shady Spring, WV census data sheet and learn more about the city.

Crime rates are a reflection of the population of the city. Crime is recorded per 1,000 Shady Spring citizens in a given year. The population is as safe as the average of the nearby cities. The table below compares Shady Spring's crime rate with crime rates of other cities of similar size. Shady Spring has a lower crime rate than the West Virginia average, but it's as safe as other similar cities.

If you're interested in visiting a nearby city, consider searching for flights to the city's center. Bigger cities are great for booking flights to nearby cities. And, for a more relaxed vacation, small towns are perfect for exploring the area. There are many places to visit within a hundred miles of Shady Spring, WV. So, if you're planning a road trip to explore the area, consider the following cities.

The community of Shady Springs, WV takes its name from a spring in the vicinity. It was once a popular meeting point and a source of clean water. A watering jug that was adorned with washtubs was frequented by women. The community was soon home to the Pioneer Inn and Tavern. The town was also home to its first postmistress, Sarah Willis.