Wilcoe, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wilcoe is approximately 120. Of these, approximately twenty-five percent are male. There are also approximately thirty-seven percent women. The median age for the female population is 45.5 years old. Wilcoe has 316 births and 437 deaths per year. Of those living in Wilcoe, eleven percent of the residents are white. Six percent of the population is of African-American or Asian descent.

There are a few important demographics to consider, including school enrollment. School enrollment refers to the number of students enrolled in public and private schools. Knowing school enrollment will help you make decisions about how to educate your children and what types of jobs are available in the area. For example, in Wilcoe City, there are ninety-six children in school. In the county, school enrollment includes nursery and kindergarten enrollment.