Amberg, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to Amberg City, Wisconsin, you'll want to make sure you know the Population & Steets of the area. The city is home to 183 people, all of whom are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Amberg is $83,300, and the homeownership rate is 52.9 percent. The median commute time is 27 minutes, and the median car ownership is two cars per household. Amberg has 0% foreign-born residents, which is lower than the national average.

The average American pays about $800 in property taxes in Amberg, WI. The median household income is $71,250. About 52.9% of Amberg residents own their own homes, which is lower than the state average of 64.1%. In comparison to surrounding areas, the median home price is $59,700. The median home price is $187,727. In Amberg, WI, the median home price is $71,300.

Amberg is home to 100 households with two members each. Fourty-eight percent of households are family establishments, while the rest are non-family units. Twenty-five percent of households have children, while eighty percent have no children. The median household income is $33,510, and the median household age is 48 years old. Amberg has 188 housing units, with the median year of construction being 1964. Sixty-five percent of the hundred occupied housing units are owner-occupied, and thirty-five percent are renter-occupied.