Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn more about the people of Arbor Vitae, WI, you may want to visit the Wikipedia page. You can also check out the data from the U.S. Census Bureau. They use census block data and rebased population figures to determine the current population. This information is not available for every city, but it's a good start for researching the population of Arbor Vitae.

The population of Arbor Vitae is made up of both Native and non-Native American people. Arbor Vitae has 0.0% Native Wisconsin residents, and a 5.5% Hispanic population. While the city is only 61% the size of Wisconsin, its population is approximately the size of Connecticut. While there are fewer people of Hispanic descent, it's still a majority of the country's population.

If you're looking for a high-crime neighborhood, you may want to check out the crime rate in different parts of Arbor Vitae. The central part of the city is the lowest, with a crime rate of four per year. However, you should keep in mind that crime rates in residential areas may be higher than those in retail zones. In other words, the red areas don't necessarily mean that residents of Arbor Vitae are in danger.

The median age in Arbor Vitae is 50.6 years. This is one of the lowest median ages of all the cities in the greater Arbor Vitae area. In comparison, the city of Minocqua, Wisconsin, has a median age of 64.3, despite being 27.1% larger. For more information on Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin, visit the official website of the U.S. Census Bureau.