Barnes, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Barnes City, Iowa is comprised of 39,171,14 and 157,247 people. The most common racial and ethnic groups are White and Black. The poverty level is defined by the Census Bureau's definition, which uses income thresholds based on family size and composition. Families with a total annual income that is below these thresholds are considered to be living in poverty. The highest paying occupations in Barnes City are Health Care & Social Assistance, Education, and Transportation & Warehousing.

The median household income in Barnes City, IA is $36,286, and 31% of residents have two or more cars. According to the Census Bureau, 86.2% of Barnes City residents have health insurance, compared to 64.1% of the population in the rest of the country. Among the residents of Barnes City, 18.5% are enrolled in group health plans through their employer, 27.6% have Medicaid, and 14.5% participate in a private plan. Only 6.25 percent of residents in Barnes City, IA walk or take public transportation to work.

The median property value in Barnes City, IA was $62,500 in 2019, which is 0.26 times smaller than the national average. In the same year, the homeownership rate was 70.4%, significantly higher than the national average of 64.2%. Residents in Barnes City, IA have an average commute time of 29.6 minutes to work. Barnes City, IA residents own a median of two vehicles.