Brookfield, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Brookfield City, Wisconsin are just a few of the details of this municipality. This city is located in extreme southeast Wisconsin, along Lake Michigan, approximately 40 miles north of the Illinois state border. It is a very moderately sized town with very pleasant weather during most of the year. The city has a population of about 72,000 people, and its population has grown steadily since the late 1800s.

The Brookfield city population is projected to grow to 40,315 by the year 2020. This figure shows a 6.34% increase from the 2010 census. Brookfield has an average household income of $150,780 and a poverty rate of 3.57%. The median rent is $1,526 a month, and the median house value is $318,800. The median age of residents of Brookfield is 45.8, which includes both males and females.

The Brookfield city population is 39,164. This equates to a population density of 1,435 people per square mile. Brookfield has a much smaller population density than most other cities in the area. While Wauwatosa has a population density of 3,635 per square mile, Brookfield's is only 0.3 percent of the state's total. It is important to note that the population density of Brookfield is based on the town's last census.

The city of Brookfield is located in Waukesha county, Wisconsin. The population was 6,390 at the 2010 census and is projected to grow to as many as 66,518 by 2020. Its population is also home to the unincorporated town of Goerke's Corners. Aside from its population, Brookfield is also part of the larger Milwaukee metropolitan area. For more information, browse through the city's website or contact the city's government.