Coon Valley, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Coon Valley has a population of 782 people. In the past decade, the city has experienced a 6.8% decline in population, which is slightly below the national average. The median home price is $196,300. In the past decade, home prices have appreciated 5.0%.

The median household income in Coon Valley, WI is $43,750. This is slightly lower than the US average of $43,500. The median age of the residents of Coon Valley is 38.4. There are two cars per household. This is lower than the state and national average of two cars per household.

The area's ethnic diversity is diverse. The majority of the population is American, while the remaining minority group is comprised of immigrants. Foreign-born residents come from China, India, and Mexico. In addition, the city has a significant Vietnam War population. For the past decade, Coon Valley has had a high percentage of foreign-born residents.

The average household size in Coon Valley, WI is 2.28 people. There are 307 families with children under the age of 18. The majority of households are married. However, 6.8% of households are headed by a female without her husband. The rest of the households are non-families. Twenty-nine percent of households are comprised of individuals, with a small percentage of elderly people living alone.