Deerbrook, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographic data can help you better understand the community in which you live. The following table lists the population of the city of Deerbrook, the state of Illinois, and the corresponding zip codes for each. The demographic information is based on the latest American Community Survey (ACS), and does not guarantee its accuracy. If you have updated information, please share it with us. For your convenience, we have also provided the zip code for Deerbrook City.

The rate of crime in Deerbrook is relatively low compared to nearby cities, although crime rates are higher near parks and recreational areas. The crime rate may appear higher near these areas, but keep in mind that crime occurs everywhere. If you are worried about your safety, it's important to take precautions and secure your home. To keep your family and belongings safe, consider moving to a neighborhood that doesn't have a high crime rate.

The Village of Deerbrook has agreed to develop a TIF District in the area around the Deerbrook Court Triangle, as required by the TAFA law. Its plan will reposition the Deerbrook Shopping Center as a positive market signal and address the zoning issue of incompatible land use relationships. Specifically, this area will receive a significant amount of tax revenue to redevelop older commercial properties.