East Troy, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article discusses the Population & Steets in East Trojan City. It provides statistics about the number of people who live in East Troy and where the highest concentrations of people are located. In addition to the population, you will also find out how many households there are in the city. The population density in East Troy is around 36,000 people per square mile. The population density is highest in the city's outer neighborhoods, including Lindenhurst, Slinger, and the airport.

East Troy is a town and city in Walworth County, Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, East Troy had a population of 4,021 people. Other areas of the city include the unincorporated towns of Hilburn, Lake Beulah, and the ghost town of Army Lake. There are also several summer camps in the city. The median age is 41.1 years, and the average household income is $49013.

The income inequality in East Troy City is lower than the state's average, with males earning 1.34 times more than women. The median gross rent in East Troy is $1,012 a month. While women earn more than men, males have a higher percentage of college graduates than females. There are 440 households in East Troy, WI. There are several businesses in the city that employ over 500 people.

The age distribution in East Troy City is not uniform. The median age in the village was 36.1 years, with 17.4% of the population under eighteen years old. Twenty-four percent of the households were composed of married couples. Twenty-two percent of the households were non-families. Another 17.4% were single people. Finally, 5.7% of the households were headed by senior citizens. The gender composition of the town was 49.1% male and 50.9% female.