Franksville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is a lot of information about the Franksville City population, but how much do you really know? In this article, you'll discover how much people in this city earn, and what kind of jobs they do. In addition, you'll learn about how many people live in Franksville and how much they earn per hour. Take a look at the stats below to get a better understanding of what makes Franksville such a unique place to live.

In Franksville City, the population is predominantly white, with 0.8% black and 1.4% Hispanic people. However, it's important to remember that there are also people of other races and ethnicities, and you can determine your target audience by looking at the income levels of the residents. For example, the median household income in Franksville, Wisconsin is $73,014 per person, and the average household income is $86,289 per person. In addition, there are nearly seventy percent of the population that is high school graduates.

Crime statistics are another way to determine the safety of a city. Franksville has a violent crime rate of 1.78 per 1,000 people. While this number might seem high, it's actually lower than the state's average. You can also look at the violent crime rate by neighborhood. For example, if you live in the northeast part of Franksville, you'll see a higher violent crime rate than you would in the north part of the city.