Granton, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Granton City, Wisconsin, you've come to the right place! Here you'll find the most recent population and steets statistics for the city. Using this information, you can better plan your next move. The map below is easy to navigate. Click on a pin to see the full city map. Also, be sure to check out the state list for Wisconsin, and find out more about Granton City's zip code.

A census was taken on July 7, 1916. The population was 341 at that time. In September, the petition to incorporate the city was approved. In addition, four new platted additions were added to the original six-acre plat. Some buildings, such as the Mapleworks, were moved. The population of Granton grew by nearly 25% between 1890 and 1916. The city's median home price was $110,800, and home appreciation was only 4.0% over the last 10 years.

The City of Granton is located near the town of Crewe Toll. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is below the state average. About four pilots and two airmen live in the city. Granton City has a low rate of crime. The median household size is 2.55 people. This city has a high rate of unemployment. However, there are also several places to find affordable housing in Granton.