Herbster, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population & steets of Herbster City? Find out by reading this article! You'll find some interesting statistics on the population and crime rates in Herbster City. You can also get information on the cost of living in different areas of the state and nation. Regardless of the city's size, you can find out the crime rates here. The population of Herbster is approximately 4,500 people.

The overall population of Herbster is made up of 100% US citizens. Its predominant religion is Catholic. Besides this, its population also includes a large number of Vietnam veterans. It is estimated that over 65% of the local residents are Catholic. The city's economy is supported by health care and educational services. It is home to over 11,000 veterans. If you're planning to move to Herbster, Wisconsin, be sure to check out the data below.

The population of Herbster is made up of a variety of racial groups. While the largest race is White, there are also several important ethnic groups, including German, Norwegian, Dutch, and Swedish. The most common language spoken by the locals is English, but there are also many people who speak French, Polish, German, Italian, and Czech. When it comes to ancestry, most residents report being of White, but others are of various races, including Asian and Native Hawaiian.

Whether you're planning a road trip or exploring the local area, make sure you check out the towns near Herbster, WI. By following the links below, you can find the closest cities to Herbster, WI. It's also helpful to search for cities 100 miles away from Herbster to find out more information on the people and neighborhoods that live there. The statistics below are based on information from the 2010 census.