Holmen, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering the population and steets in Holmen City? This article will show you the statistics for Holmen. If you are curious to know how many people live in Holmen, Wisconsin, you can get a free quote from Vivint. You can also see the percentage of people who own their own homes in Holmen, WI. The percentage of people who own a home is higher than the national average.

When it comes to ethnicity, the residents of Holmen are mainly white (75.9%), 0.2% black, and 2.9% Asian. Less than one percent of the population is Hispanic. The average household income is $64,192, and the median household income is $57,875. The demographics of the Holmen City, WI area make it a good place to advertise if you want to reach people who are well educated and high school graduates.

When it comes to violent crime, the rate per resident may appear high. That's because more crime occurs in blocks with few residents. Therefore, the red areas on the violent crime rate map are not necessarily dangerous for the people living in those blocks. You should be cautious if you are looking at violent crime rates. They may not be indicative of the danger level for Holmen city residents, but they are an indicator of where you should avoid in the area.

According to the latest census, the median age of the residents of Holmen City is 37 years old. The highest percentage of people in Holmen is in Dakota, at 52.4 percent. This is an average age for women and men living in Holmen. You can expect that the median age of the residents of Holmen is similar to that of other cities in the area, but the number of single people is higher.