Howards Grove, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Howards Grove City? The city of Howards Grove is located in eastern Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Michigan. The climate of Howards Grove is pleasant throughout the year, with the warmer months of July and August being the most pleasant. However, it can get very cold in January and February. Below is a list of all the neighborhoods in Howards Grove.

In 1846, several families settled in the area. The first of these families was F. Beckfeld, who built the Washington House Hotel on the corner of North Wisconsin Drive, Madison Avenue, and Highway 32 & 42. Other early settlers included Chas. Oetling, Geo. Pieper, and Aug. Fromme. Their names were recorded in the 1850s. By 1880, farmers had begun to build farms and other businesses around Howards Grove.

The median income in Howards Grove is $709 per month. Nearly twenty-four percent of households live in poverty, and the state's poverty rate is 8.63%. Approximately 15.6% of households in Howards Grove are renters, while the median income is $701.

The population of Howards Grove is 3,238. The median household income is $71,875.