Iron Ridge, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Ironridge City are listed below. You can also view the most recent Iron Ridge City, PA demographics and get to know the people who live in this community. This information is updated regularly and is based on the most recent data available. To learn more about the people who live in Iron Ridge, read on! Also, read on to learn about the education levels of the residents in Iron Ridge.

The population of Iron Ridge, Wisconsin is 891, making it the tenth most populated city in the United States. The population peaked in the year 2000 when it was 988. Compared to this year, the city is 9.8% smaller than it was in 2000. Almost all residents in Iron Ridge are US citizens, with 54.1% of residents being male and 45.9% female. In addition to this, 10.2% of the population is at least 65 years old.