Jump River, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering about the population and steets of Jump River City, WI. In 2019, the city had a total population of 24 people. The median age was 51.5 years and the median household income was $50,500. Both of these numbers were flat from the previous year. Most people in Jump River drive alone to work. The median car ownership rate was 0% and there are 0 foreign-born residents.

The median income in Jump River, WI is $50,500 per year. This is lower than the United States' median of $65,712. The city's income inequality is 0.447, which is lower than the national average. There are 11 people employed in Jump River, WI. The most common job groups are Healthcare Support Occupations, Production Occupations, and Sales and Office Occupations.

The City has 100% US citizenship. The largest percentage of citizens is US-born, with Mexico and China occupying the top three positions. Almost every person has access to health insurance and a high percentage is on employee plans. Those on Medicaid and Medicare are 4.17% of the population, while those with private insurance are 8.33% of the population. Those in the military and the VA have zero coverage, so it is possible to get health insurance in Jump River.