Kaukauna, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many important statistics that you can look up for Kaukauna City, Wisconsin. These statistics can help you determine what you need to know. For instance, do you know how many people live in Kaukauna City? These statistics will give you an idea of how many people are working in the city. You can also look up how many people are unemployed and what percentage of them are foreign born.

When you compare the two racial and ethnic groups living in Kaukauna City, you can find out what percentage of them live below the poverty line. The state of Wisconsin has an overall poverty rate of 8.63%, but Kaukauna is below the state's average of 10.1%. While it's not a very large city, Kaukauna does have a lower poverty rate than many other nearby cities.

If you're planning a road trip, you can also find out the population of other nearby cities. This is useful for road trips and for exploring the area. The following list of cities can be found within 100 miles of Kaukauna, WI. You'll find that many of them are inhabited and are worth a visit. It may be a good idea to spend a day or two exploring the city's area.

The demographics of Kaukauna include immigrants, citizenship, and immigration. The percentage of white people is 0.0%, while the percentage of blacks is 0.1%. In Kaukauna, the percentage of Native residents is less than half of the state's. If you're thinking about moving to this area, you should make sure you find out what the median age is and where you'll fit in.