Merrillan, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Merriillan City, Wisconsin are available in a variety of ways. Here are some of the most notable demographics: the median age, 49.3% male, 50.7% female, and 17.7% senior citizens. In terms of race, 78.3% of Merrillan residents are white, while 7.7% are of other races. Of those, 6.4% are American Indian, 0.7% are black, and 9.9% are Hispanic.

Merrillan is part of Jackson County in the state of Wisconsin, and is about 15 miles north of Black River Falls. It is also known as the "Deer Capital of the World," thanks to its reintroduced Elk population. There are more than 200,000 acres of public hunting land, and local hunters can enjoy the game. Whitetail deer, grouse, black bear, and waterfowl are all common in the area.

The population of Merrillan City is 522. The median home price is $139,200, with an average commute time of 22.2 minutes and a 2.97 family size. The median home price is $139,200, and the annual appreciation rate for homes in Merrillan is 4.0%. If you are considering buying a home in Merrillan, consider the statistics below. You can also check out the school page for information about the Merrillan schools.