Reedsburg, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Reedssburg City is provided for your reference. You will find the population and steets for the city and surrounding area on the census data tables. The population of Reedsburg City is 35,000 people, which is below the Wisconsin state average. The area is also near the US average in earthquake activity. For more information, you can use the interactive map below to determine the population and steets of any town within 100 miles of Reedsburg, WI.

The population of Reedsburg is 4.6% smaller than that of Wisconsin and has a foreign born population of 2.5%. The average age for residents is 30 years and older. Compared to Wisconsin, Reedsburg has a higher proportion of single women than any other state. The city is also home to a large percentage of immigrants. However, the city's overall population is still smaller than that of Wisconsin.

The population of Reedsburg city is nine thousand four hundred sixty-seven, and the median household income is $46,833. The poverty rate for this city is 8.63%, making it slightly worse than the state average. The median gross rent is $706 a month, which is higher than the Wisconsin average. If you're looking for a place to retire or want to expand your business, you can find the median income for a family of three in Reedsburg.

Demographics for Reedsburg are provided by the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. The population of Reedsburg in 2020 is expected to be nine hundred and fifty eight. That's the largest city in the area surrounding Reedsburg. The median age of residents is thirty-nine years. This is well below the national average of thirty-nine years. There's no reason to worry, however, as the City's population is expected to grow by three hundred and eight percent by 2020.