Sauk City, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This page provides a brief overview of the Population & Steets of Sauk City, Wisconsin. This information is for reference only. For more detailed information, visit the About Page. In addition to basic information, you will find links to various maps and statistics. For example, you can view the population of Sauk City, Wisconsin by ward. To learn more about the population in Sauk City, read the following sections.

The median property value in Sauk City, WI is $207,400. This is 0.862 times smaller than the national average. In 2019, the median home value grew by 0.3%, from $191,500 to $207,400. The homeownership rate is 67.7%, and the median household income is $51,584. There are approximately two cars per household. For more details, see the full Sauk City, WI demographics and housing data.

According to the United States Census Bureau, 97.1% of Sauk City, WI residents are US citizens. This is significantly higher than the national average of 93.4%. In addition, the median home value in Sauk City is more than twice as high as the national average. Furthermore, a large percentage of the population lives in Sauk City. Despite the city's low overall average population size, it has a large percentage of military veterans.

The median age of Sauk City, WI residents was 39.3 years. Twenty-three percent were under the age of 18, while seven percent of households were headed by a single female without a husband. Thirty-four percent of the population was in the age range of 25-64, and 17.2% of households were headed by a senior citizen. The median household size in Sauk City, WI was 2.33 persons per family.