St Croix Fls, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in St. Croix Fls City? In 2000, St. Croix Fls City had a total population of 14,779 people. Its median age was 44.3 years. Twenty-five percent of the population was under 18 years of age. Twenty-four percent were between the ages of 25-44, and twenty-two percent were 65 and over. Across the city, males outnumbered females by a ratio of 88.4 males for every 100 females.

This Wisconsin city borders two parks: the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway and the Gandy Dancer State Trail. The city is also home to the Cushing Land Agency Building, the Lamar Community Center, and the Thomas Henry Thompson House. These attractions all contribute to St Croix Fls's overall quality of life. The city also features a rich history with its many historical and cultural landmarks.

The median household income in St. Croix Fls City is $50,140. This is lower than the national average, but is still much higher than the rest of the country. Among families, there are fewer single-family homes than in other parts of town. Fortunately, St. Croix Fls residents earn much more than they're used to. You can find a detailed profile of the area's population at the U.S. Census Bureau.

The main road through St. Croix Fls is State Road 87, which is paved with asphalt and has a curb and gutter. There are parallel parking lanes on both sides. The city is home to a small business district, with buildings dating back to the late nineteenth century. The buildings on both sides of Washington Street have undergone some period updating. In May 1880, a fire destroyed most of the buildings.