Two Rivers, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a better feel for the people of Two Rivers, WI, you should know about the area's demographics. According to the United States Census Bureau, Ninety-Seven percent of the population of Two Rivers, WI, is white. The rest is either black, Hispanic, or Asian. The median household income is $48,343, and the average household makes $56,645. Two Rivers residents are equally divided among blue collar and white collar positions.

The population of Two Rivers is just shy of 5k. Of those, 8.5% are employed by the government. There are 210 housing units in the city. Two Rivers is home to a median gross monthly rent of $673. Eighty-seven percent of Two Rivers households have broadband internet access. And sixty-four percent of households have two cars, compared to sixty-two percent in the country.

Besides Two Rivers's population, the town of nearby Two Rivers has a post office that has existed since 1848. The town's name derives from the locality's nickname, "The Town with Friendly Waves." Two Rivers City is located near the confluence of the East Twin and Mishicot rivers. If you want to learn more about Two Rivers, you should read this article!

Two Rivers' economy is based on farming and tradecraft. The Tabac grown in Two Rivers is popular throughout the Westlands, and is the largest cash crop in the area. Merchant caravans travel to Two Rivers at certain times of the year, bringing Tabac and wool back to Two Rivers. Commerce takes place in the village green, with the mayor watching all transactions. The city also has several independent farms.