Waupaca, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets of Waupaca, Wisconsin? If so, you've come to the right place! The Waupaca city website can provide you with information on the population of Waupaca as well as other statistics. You can use this information to get an overview of the community, as well as identify trends in the area. Here are the latest numbers.

The population and steets of Waupaca City were last censused in 2000, and the city is estimated to have a population of 6,086 in 2020. The city is located in Waupaca County, Wisconsin, and has a median household income of $61,739. The poverty rate is 7.39%, and there are two school districts within the city. The median house value is $104,900 and the median age is 42.3.

The Lake Historic District is a large residential area that was Waupaca's most fashionable address during the late nineteenth century. It is located between Jefferson Street and South Division Street and extends northward to the city's downtown business district. There are a number of local historical buildings in the Lake Historic District. A few are even listed on the National Register. For more information, visit the Waupaca City website.

The first hospital in Waupaca, Christofferson Hospital, is located in a large corner lot at the southwest end of the district, next to the private residence of Dr. Peter J. Christofferson. The landscaped grounds of the hospital are lined with large trees, including a cluster of large spruces on the west elevation. Smaller trees dot the grounds of the hospital.