Waupun, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets information for Waupun City, Wisconsin, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find the latest statistics. Listed below are the most important demographic data for Waupun. Make sure to read each section carefully for details. Also, be sure to browse through the community's history to get an idea of what the city has to offer.

The Waupun population is expected to rise 8.7 percent by 2040, and the number of households will increase by 662 between 2010 and 2040. That will boost the city's population from 3,485 in 2010 to 4,417 in 2040. While Schlieve doesn't know the reasons for this growth, he says the town has been proactive in recruiting new students to its school and has built out subdivisions to accommodate the additional growth.

The average person in Waupun commutes to work by car, on foot, or on a bicycle. The median age in Waupun is 39 years old, which is above the Wisconsin average. In addition, the percentage of foreign-born people is lower than the state average. There are also nine other airmen living in the city, as well as 35 patent applications in 2008-2022. Despite these statistics, there are still some important things to note.

In 1851, Waupun was chosen as the site of the State Penitentiary. Its main building was completed in 1854 and is still in use. The town was originally served by the Milwaukee & Horicon Railroad. This railroad later became the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. It served the city until 1878. The town's first mayor was John N. Ackerman.