Wausaukee, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to learn more about the population and steets of Wausaukee, WI? You can use the data below to learn more about this city. There are 479 people in the city and a median household income of $23,603. To get a better idea of the economy, you can also view the poverty rate. At 1.34%, this city is considered poor, so it is important to consider how much money residents make.

The city is home to many farms and is a great place to spend some time outdoors. You'll find the Ice Cream Station, a seasonal business, downtown and the Wausaukee Lake. All are well worth checking out! Just make sure to take the time to read about the history of Wausaukee and learn more about its current residents. You'll be surprised to learn how much the community has changed over the years.

The rent burden is a measure of the percentage of household income that is spent on rental housing. Rent burden is a useful tool to estimate housing affordability in the city. Rent burden in Wausaukee is slightly lower than the state average of 28.9%, but slightly higher than the rate in neighboring towns like Kaukauna. Similarly, 54.7% of households in Wausaukee commute by car.